Why do dogs eat grass and vomit?


Are you serving your dog healthy and nutritious food? Their food includes all they need to grow, then why do dogs eat grass? You might be worried about your canine companion about their behavior of eating grass. Are they bored? Will eating grass make them sick? Or are they hungry? Pet experts stated that they were unsure about why do dogs eat grass and vomit. It’s considered normal canine behavior. We commonly find this behavior in dogs as well as cats. 

But, this behavior of the dog is still a mystery.

The Psychology Behind Dogs Eating Grass

The most common theories about why do dogs eat grass and vomit are mentioned below.

Upset or Stressed

When dogs are alone in the lawn or garden area, they feel stressed, upset, bored, and unhappy to gather the owner’s attention; they start chewing grass. 

Taste of Grass 

When dogs like the way the grass taste. Some of the dogs eat grass at a specific season of the year or in particular locations. 


Dogs are believed to have wolves as their canine ancestors. And they used to eat grass. Sometimes dogs are just following up on what their ancestors did. 

Physical Reasons Behind Dogs Eating Grass 

This behavior of the dog is contributed by physical reasons as well. Check out a few reasons below:

Dietary Response 

Sometimes our dog requires more fiber in their diet, which can be why they eat grass often. 

Stomach issues 

When our dog is facing some issues in the stomach or has an upset stomach, it eats grass. You must visit the vet as your friend requires help!!

Why Do Dogs Vomit After Eating Grass?

Yes, grasses can make dogs throw up. Dogs may vomit after eating grass due to its high fiber content.

A high-fiber diet could cause diarrhea. Dogs cannot digest because their metabolism is incapable of breaking down grass. They vomit because of this.

If you observe that your dog frequently vomits bile in the mornings or after going a long time without eating, biliary vomiting syndrome is probably to blame (BVS). It happens when the intestine’s digestive contents go back into the stomach, irritating the area and leading to vomiting. By providing your dog smaller, more often meals throughout the day, BVS is frequently readily treated. 

Feeding your nutritious dog food right before bed will give its intestines something to digest until breakfast or the next meal.

Why do dogs eat grass and vomit | Credit: Cunaplus_M.Faba

They Are Allergic To Or Intolerant To Food

Dog food intolerances and allergies can also make your dog throw up after eating or have an upset stomach. Dogs with food allergies may also show symptoms of skin rashes, fatigue, and persistent ear and paw infections, in addition to digestive problems.

You Modified Their Diet

Dogs develop a specific diet over time, just like humans, and when a new meal is introduced, they may have digestive problems, including vomiting. It might even be a result of the aforementioned dietary allergy or intolerance.

You should gradually alter your dog’s diet rather than make an abrupt change. It will prevent any digestive problems and give their system time to adapt to the new substances in the food. 

Over 5-7 days, you should attempt to introduce new foods into their diet gradually. You should present new foods to them by combining them with their diet.

They are Eating too Quickly.

Your dog may have eaten too quickly, another frequent cause of post-meal vomiting in dogs. In addition to vomiting after eating too quickly, your dog may also be experiencing bloating and nausea.

Give them smaller portions of food several times a day to keep them from eating too quickly, or use a food puzzle to slow them down during mealtime. 

If you have several dogs, they can eat more quickly because they want to outdo each other. Your dog’s food bowls should be placed in different rooms in this situation.

They Consumed an Unfit Food

Your dog may vomit to get rid of an object that it shouldn’t have eaten—for example, a toy or a piece of paper. Vomiting may result as a symptom when these foreign items become lodged in their digestive system. An x-ray or abdomen ultrasound is typically required to diagnose this in your dog. Call your veterinarian if your dog vomits after eating something unappealing. Surgery may be necessary to remove it.

Is it safe?

A careful eye must be kept on our dogs on their eating habit of grass or any grass-eating behavior. We can’t let them eat anything as we treat the grass with fertilizers or pesticides.

In any case, eating grass is not safe for them. At the same time, not all dogs vomit after eating grass. 

Vomiting and eating grass do not have a real connection. Yet vomiting may occur due to the reason of the grass taste or strange texture for the dogs rather than any reason related to digestive issues.

How Can You Get Your Dog to Stop Eating Grass?

If your concern is reaching towards the habit of your dog eating grass, then there is something you can try to help curb the habit. There can be the presence of nutritional deficiency in your dog when dogs are regularly eating grass. 

They can change their eating habits or food when they have an upset stomach. Over time, your pet’s behavior can be impacted by the changes in their eating or food habits. You can handle your dog’s digestive issues by giving them good food.

Steps to be Taken for Keeping the Dog Away from Eating Grass

Dogs may need a psychological response when they eat grass regularly. At the same time, it is not much of a concern. While a dog owner must check that your dog isn’t picking up anything while consuming grass as it has parasites. 

Grass treated with chemicals or pesticides must not be allowed to chew as it can result in a dangerous event for them. 

Dogs are probably fine when eating grass with no pesticides or toxic chemicals. The owners must consider regularly scheduled appointments with their vet to be sure there aren’t any issues that are founded. 

When to Visit Your Vet?

If your dog is vomiting, and after that, they seem fine, they have already dealt with the issue bothering them. You should take them to the veterinarian if they continue eating grass and vomiting. Immediately, it is best to consult a vet in case dogs are not behaving normally.

While it is not a cause for concern when dogs eat occasional grass grazing, your dog compulsively ingests foreign objects regularly. PICA dogs may develop a medical condition that causes them to crave or eat items that are generally not considered food. Garbage, paper, dirt, cloth, and feces are all things that dogs with pica may be drawn to, which can lead to digestive and nutritional issues if left unchecked.

Overall it is not a significant cause for the cause of dogs eating grass eating, but there are things you can do to make it less of a challenge for your pet. Your vet must be contacted for a professional recommendation if the habit of eating grass is becoming a concern.

  • Your dog is constantly or repeatedly eating grass. 
  • You notice blood in your dog’s vomit, or it frequently vomits. 
  • If you see symptoms of illness, such as lethargy, fever, or inappetence in your dog.


It cannot be obvious to understand the condition of a dog and why they are eating grass. Some dogs vomit after eating grass, and many dogs eat grass from time to time. This article has presented that it is typical behavior of dogs to eat dogs. 


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