Puppy Food Types for the Health of Your Puppy


Puppy food types vary in quality in the market and it is entirely the choice of the owner to choose from the types available according to the taste and the likes of their puppy. Apart from the common dry and wet foods for puppies, owners now have other options that are gaining popularity. These choices are known for providing health and nourishment.

Dry food for puppies

Dry food for puppies

There are many supply stores for puppies that deal in dry food that come in many varieties. Many owners use dry food for pups because it lacks odor and is suitable for the puppy’s health. Storing this type of food for the pup becomes easy, and it also proves cost-effective when purchased in large quantities. The protein, vitamin, fats, mineral and carbohydrate content in this kind of food are also very high which makes it a very healthy food for the puppy.

Wet food for puppies

Wet food for puppies

This kind of food is also readily available in the market at an affordable price that is suitable for the pockets of the owners. The odor of the food and the variety in which it is available makes it very interesting for the puppy and there are many puppy owners that prefer wet food instead of the dry puppy food available in the market. This kind of food is also said to be edible for the puppy.

Food that is home cooked

Food that is home cooked

Giving your puppy homemade food is excellent. It provides essential nutrients like vitamins, fats, minerals, and carbs. It’s a special treat since you choose what your puppy loves – fish, meats, pulses, or veggies. The bonus? You know your pup’s favorites, and it’s healthy too!

Raw food for puppies

Raw food for puppies

There are many people who do not find it very healthy to feed their puppies with raw meats and bones and even fish because they do not find it healthy. However, there are people who take special preference in feeding their puppies with raw food because they find such food to be very healthy and safe for the puppy. People often underestimate this type of puppy food available in the market. Many people choose not to use it for their puppies. However, it’s important to remember that raw food is less expensive than other puppy foods. The best way to obtain raw food is from the local butcher.


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