A Location Where Horses Can Find liberate From Stormy Parts of Their Life


Angel Acres Horse Haven Rescue is a place where horses receive special attention. Pennsylvania is one of relief in the few places in the country where old and sick horses based care.

save the company a noble, another advantage – it is possible to take the horse.

Angel Acres is now supported by 28 horses, all owners of slaughter and the pipe, which should put an animal to escape.

noble idea of Angel Acres owner came after Statistics said can certainly be alarming.


The protection authorities alerted the animals to the tragic death of the horses. They decided to euthanize most of them, especially those who had been racing horses and were no longer of service. Other horses were intended for human consumption, leading the owner of Angel Acres Horse Haven to take this action.

Now, the new owner is actively involved in the rescue, special care, and treatment of both children and horses. In the United States, numerous attractions like Angel Acres comprise organizations dedicated to caring for horses in need.


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