How To Stop Dogs Rolling In Poop


Dogs have been seen to display a smug grin while rolling around in their poops. The question is, “Why?” Dogs, in contrast to their humans, use any animal feces they can find as a substitute for post-shower body soap and perfume. We don’t understand why dogs do things like rolling about in feces, whether it’s fox poop, rabbit pellets, or cow pies. When they get that pleased, “see what I just did!” grin on their faces. Wondering how to stop dogs from rolling in poop? There is no way to know why a dog does something like roll about in excrement or other unpleasant odors, but here are some informed suggestions.

Explanations for Why Dogs Delight in Rolling in Poop

If you wonder why you find your dog rolling in poop delightfully, these explanations will quench your curiosity.

Dogs Enjoy a Pleasant Scent.

Perfumes & shampoos have a pleasant aroma, but dogs do not share this preference—dogs like dousing themselves with a pleasantly scented substance. Immediately after a wash, your dog may seek out the foulest object it can discover to roll. The “shower fresh” shampoo you habit on your dog is probably not a hit with him. Garbage, decaying food, feces, corpses, and other noxious odors are all things that dogs find appealing.

To hide their aroma, they are covering it up.

Many believe that wild dogs, as carnivores, would benefit from not smelling like other predators, such as coyotes, while out on the hunt. It might be strategically advantageous for your dog to conceal their true identity in this way.

While this may be the case, research has shown that when given the opportunity, wild animals would roll in substances that are pretty unusual for them, such as perfume and motor oil. Covering oneself in such strong odors seems like a poor plan to avoid being discovered by your target.

Used as a Symbol of Identification

This behavior, similar to marking, may be an effort to leave your dog’s smell behind. During a stroll, you may discover that your fur baby has a peculiar habit of keeping everything in sight. Your dog can be rolling in other dogs’ marking territory on walks to communicate that it has visited the area and smelled something interesting.

Narrative of their travels.

It is much like sending postcards from your trip. Each time a dog returns to their pack, it brings with it the aromas of the location it has been. The rest of the group may trace the scent back to its origin and any surrounding food. Thus, doggy social media posts are similar to the canine practice of excrement rolling as a means of communication among a group.

Effective Strategies To Prevent Your Dog From Rolling in Poop

How to stop dogs from rolling in poop? This question may be worth a million dollars to many pet owners. They care more about stopping the behavior and less about the dogs’ motivations. It is a lesson that may be quite hard to impart.

Having your canine on a leash makes things simpler. All you can do is retain your dog from temptation by keeping them away from the location. However, items become more complex when your dog is loose.

Many experts in animal behavior advise that you teach your dog the “leave it” command so that they will no longer play with or try to eat the item in question. You may start the training process at home with something like an intriguing but off-limits sock.

You may teach your dog to “leave it” in response to more valuable objects, such as treats, and only allow them to approach after you’ve given a release signal, like “OK,” that indicates it’s safe to come and take the item.

Once your dog consistently responds to the “leave it” command inside the home, you may move the dog training (and the tempting things!) outside into the yard while keeping it on a leash. This indicator has proven helpful to us in a wide variety of settings.

The timing is tricky after you’ve figured out how to instruct your dog not to touch the excrement. Most dogs will give you some warning before they go underwater. You may figure out your dog’s habits if you pay great attention. Still, in general, many animals begin the rolling process with their heads before moving on to the whole body.

They often adopt a particular stance or pattern of behavior, such as a deep sniff, a little shake of the head, a twisted face, and a roll into the offending heap.

The critical moment to provide the “leave it” signal is when you notice your dog begin the sniffing and head-shaking.

Some dogs are simply naturally daring poo rollers, and it may be impossible to keep their “record clean” forever. You will need patience, keen observation, and instruction to reduce the number of unexpected showers.

how to stop dogs rolling in poop | Credit: gregsawyer

Here Are Seven Methods to Put a Stop to Your Dog Rolling in Waste

It would help if you avoided situations where your pet could be exposed to the cues that cause the scent-rolling activity in the first place. Therefore, many methods of administration are outlined below.

  1. Inspect your yard regularly and eliminate any unwanted debris, such as dead rodents or rotten bird eggs.
  2. Getting a leash or long line is a good idea for walks in the countryside.
  3. If you want to discourage your dog from rolling after a wash, take him on a stroll to dry off.
  4. Get your dog’s attention before she sniffs other animals or other dogs’ waste when you’re out on a walk. Use the leash to steer her away if necessary.
  5. Treats are an excellent way to reinforce your dog’s good behavior. Your dog should eventually learn to be rewarded when he poops on the ground.
  6. Develop a natural “leave it” reaction from your dog via training.
  7. A shampoo designed to neutralize scents may help if your dog has already rolled in, dropped, and absorbed unpleasant smells deep into its pores. At least until the next time, this should help reduce those terrible odors.

How Can You Control Your Dog From Rolling In The Poop?

Whatever the case, you likely want your dog to stop rolling in poop that offers him so much delight but leaves your carpet filthy. How, then, can you help your dog stop it? You probably won’t be able to stop your dog’s instincts, but you can certainly cut off his options.

When walking your dog, keep him on a leash in areas where he is prone to stopping, dropping, and rolling. Check out for dead animals, dirt, and other potential yard dangers. Pick up dog excrement immediately after your rolling-happy dog uses the bathroom there. Teaching your simple dog commands like “leave it” or “come” might help redirect his focus away from mischief and toward you.

Dogs share this human propensity towards trash digging. Most of the time, they are just curious about what you may have thrown out, but if the trash smells extremely bad, they could even roll around. Ensure your trash cans are secure so your dog can’t get into them to reduce the likelihood of a putrid garbage stench permeating your home.

Final Words

You and your dog are out and about on a hike or stroll. Your dog is splayed out on something when your eyes leave the ground. Additionally, it is feces. You were about to go on a lengthy commute home when your dog rolled in feces. It’s likely not the first time your dog has moved around in something unpleasant. So, what causes this behavior in dogs, and how to stop dogs from rolling in poop? The purpose of this post was to provide a solution to your issue and provide some suggestions for preventing your dog from rolling in the poop the next time it happens.


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